
Privacy Guarantee

Inkvenus Limited Online privacy policy

We are committed to providing our customers with a secure, private shopping experience.

Why does Inkvenus Online collect and retain personal information?

We collect your personal information to enhance our web site so that we may offer you a more personalised, tailored service. We also use this information to undertake any dealings or transactions with you (see the Terms and Conditions for further details).

Who can access this information and who is it shared with?

Only specified Inkvenus Online employees are able to access your personal data.
IInkvenus will never share your personal data with any third parties.

Storage of personal information

We are aware that you may be concerned about the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. We have taken many steps - from both technical and systems perspectives - to ensure that all of your information is well protected, however we also recommend that you do not disclose your email and password to anyone.

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